Our Gift Tree Program

Gift trees, or Memorial Trees, are planted in March each year at a predetermined location. In March 2025, Gift Trees will be planted at Fountain City Park.

Trees Knoxville’s Urban Forester will select the tree species available for planting based on the ‘Right Tree, Right Place’ urban forestry principle. 

Tree planting locations will be based on community needs and approval by the appropriate jurisdiction. If the interested party should want to attend the planting event, this will require advanced scheduling through Trees Knoxville staff.

  • Community Gift Tree Program

    For a $500 donation, an 8-12ft tall tree will be planted in a public space in Knox County. In March 2025, we will be planting at Fountain City Park. You can request a certain tree species from Trees Knoxville’s community canopy list, but the final decision will be made based on “Right Tree, Right Place” principles. Community Gift Trees are watered and maintained for a two-year establishment period. 

To request your Gift Tree, fill out this short form and a member of staff will reach out to you soon.

All gift tree donations receive the following:

  • A thank you note from Trees Knoxville acknowledging your donation, which is 100% tax deductible. 

  • An e-certificate can be emailed to the recipient, or you may print and send it. E-cards will be sent immediately. For an additional donation, a personalized card from Trees Knoxville will be sent to the recipient via USPS. 

Request a Gift Tree.