Let’s throw some shade, y’all.
Yeah, Knoxville is cool—but we think it could be even cooler. At Trees Knoxville, we have big dreams about shade on the sidewalks, a tree in every front yard, and canopy cover as far as the eye can see. But to make those dreams come true, we’re depending on you. Grab a shovel and help us grow Knoxville’s urban forest!
We want you to get involved.
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about trees.
Train to become a Volunteer Forester
Go on an expert-led tree walk
Get to know our Urban Forest Master Plan
Explore our growing resource library
Get your hands dirty.
Volunteer for an upcoming planting event
Help your school get free trees through Canopies for Campuses
Score a free seedling at one of our tree giveaways and give it a forever home
“I enjoy passing on my knowledge of planting trees to the students and young families who volunteer with me at Trees Knoxville events. It's amazing that only a couple of hours spent planting trees can improve neighborhood serenity, enhance the beauty of a street, and cool homes for decades to come.”
— Dana Loseke, Volunteer Forester, Trees Knoxville
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